Full Idiot's Guide to Atlanta

Friday, August 04, 2006

Upcoming Publicity on CNN!

This morning I came in, proudly printed my latest project (46-pages of recipes for the Saturday/Sunday brunch, typed and edited in 1 day, booyah!) and went downstairs to deliver thank-you notes and sweets to the Cafe 458 staff. When I went into hallway, there stood 8 or so volunteers in aprons, lounging against the wall. They told me that because they were minors, they couldn't be filmed.

Filmed? I asked.

Yeah, they nodded glumly. You have to be over 18 and have signed a press release to be on CNN.

My jaw dropped--oh YEAH, someone did mention that a camera crew would be in the kitchen today. Why didn't someone notify me that it was a CNN crew?!

So I went back upstairs and didn't think more about it. NOT.

It suddenly looked as though the kitchen needed help (which they really did), as the majority of the volunteers were under 18 and barred from serving presently. I donned an apron and immediately went to taking orders--the regulars were glad to see that I was back, as I usually just help out on days when volunteers are short, my primary tasks requiring me to be upstairs in the administration offices.

When the crew exited to the next room for an interview with my boss, head chef Sara, the younger volunteers rushed back in and reclaimed my apron and restaurant pad.

The interview was great--I was in charge of noise control (really tough with 80-odd people in-and-out and 4 doors) and Sara continually smiled over at me for reassurance. She was worried afterwards that she rambled, but I thought the information she gave was meaningful and central to the mission of Samaritan House of Atlanta.

I was chatting with the anchorwoman and thought to ask when this interview would be shown. She told me that CNN would air this as a segment for Anderson Cooper's 360 show.


Anyhow, the camera crews will be back tomorrow, and even though today was technically my last day, you can be sure I'll be in before the rest of the volunteers helping Sara out. :) Oh, another early Saturday!

Take care and God bless, yall!

P.S. So I enjoyed being a year older for the first time today--I am hard-pressed to think of a better, more exciting present than witnessing a CNN crew for Anderson Cooper do a great segment on Cafe 458!

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