Full Idiot's Guide to Atlanta

Monday, June 19, 2006

Info on Internships

Romans 12:11
"Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord."

Today I have officially met my mentors for the summer. I have the opportunity to intern Mondays through Wednesdays for the Southeastern Council of Foundations, a regional association of grantmakers and private foundations, or RAG. On Thursdays through Saturdays I'll be working at Cafe 458, a local restaurant/employment-aid organization helping people achieve self-sufficiency.

First, the SECF works to protect its member organizations from restrictive legislation regarding grantmaking, staff salaries, founder intentions and other pertinent concerns. As explained to me, the SECF's philosophy is such that organizations should exercise honesty and efficiency through accountability, which SECF is presently promoting in its new initiative. That said, the SECF is creating a new website from scratch, recruiting new members, and publishing material to inform, educate and encourage its member organizations, all to which I can contribute! Apparently it is also SECF's policy that "it takes an entire staff to raise an intern," something akin to needing a village to raise a child. Thus, everyone teaches me (yay!) and everyone also gives me work (oh). It may sound slightly boring and very much the office job, but I promise you I am working with a dynamic, superintelligent and philanthropic-hearted staff. Plus, they've given me my own office, PC, and lamp! :)

Trust me; future blog entries will be more succinct and exciting. But you've got to get the basics down like I did today, no?

Cafe 458
Secondly, I will be working with Cafe 458. Today I met with my mentor, a charismatic and dedicated volunteer named Mike. He has plans for me to work all the various branches of the cafe, ranging from the Employment Readiness Office (instructing others on how to format a resume, succeed in a job interview) to the kitchen (cooking, cleaning, serving, conversing) to AM classes (Anger Management--maybe also helping with AA meetings) to administration (back to paperwork). I will get to meet and truly help people from all walks of life down on their luck. Can't wait, will keep you posted.

Sources of Interest:

Southeastern Council of Foundations
Cafe 458

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